People Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It.

Published by Marilyn Neece on


“People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.”
~ Simon Sinek

Since 1969, a very interesting year in which I left home for college and the wide world, I have been fascinated by all the ways in which people band together to make important changes in the world. I listened to Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist who was a popular speaker at the time. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

I studied political systems, philosophers, religions, and critical thinking. The prevailing questions of the time were “Who am I? What do I stand for? What am I willing to die for?” It was the late sixties after all. I wasn’t yet clear about the answers when at the ripe old age of 20, I got married, graduated from college and started a family. My earlier quest for clarity was no match for a larger “What the Heck?”

So, what does that have to do with SAHARA and why I’m here?

Decades of motherhood, my “earth mother” period, my Baptist/Unitarian/Buddhist evolution, my 35 years of grass roots organizing, volunteering, fundraising, leadership support, community development, higher education management and fundraising, a bruising and fantastic MBA, an empty nest, and a grandchild, have clarified the answers.

Of all things, I most value the capacity to love, the will to do good, the intelligence to do it well and learn from failures, and the power I can bring to the small group of thoughtful, committed people who can change the world.

SAHARA is built on a foundation created by one of those small, committed, immensely intelligent, and loving groups. It’s continued service to the community changes not just lives, but generations. It’s a magnet for people whose hearts, minds, and strength of will are focused on doing good, intelligently, and with power to inspire others to be their best selves. How could I be anywhere else?

Marilyn Neece
Executive Director, SAHARA

Marilyn Neece

MBA. Executive Director, SAHARA. Nonprofit manager, board member, and fundraiser since 1985. Marilyn deeply respects the exceptional service SAHARA has provided the community since 1991. She is committed to seeing SAHARA evolve wisely with current times and continue to be the safe harbor for abuse survivors to build lives strength, confidence, and success.


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